Lizardo, A. y Petit, A. Control de gestión como herramienta de gobierno abierto en los organismos
ordenadores de compromisos y pagos del poder público del estado Zulia
40 Revista de Artes y Humanidades UNICA, Volumen 25 Nº52 / Enero-Junio 2024, pp. 39-65
Universidad Católica Cecilio Acosta – Maracaibo – Venezuela. ISSN: 1317-102X / e - ISSN: 2542-3460
Lickert, de frecuencia, con las alternativas: siempre, casi siempre, algunas veces, casi nunca
y nunca; se utilizó la validez de contenido, a través del juicio de diez (10) expertos, con
respecto la confiabilidad se calculó el coeficiente Alpha Cronbach, obteniendo un resultado
de 0,90. Se concluye que el control de gestión de los ordenadores de compromiso y pago
casi siempre se cumple, por su parte, los tipos de control se aplican de forma moderada, los
componentes de control cuenta con un alto nivel de cumplimiento y el uso de indicares de
gestión es muy alto. Por otra parte, el enfoque de gobierno abierto, aplicado por los
ordenadores de compromiso y pago, se cumple de forma moderada, ya que los principios de
gobierno abierto estudiados son aplicados medianamente. De igual forma, casi nunca son
utilizadas las herramientas TIC como mecanismo de Gobierno Abierto.
Palabras clave: Control Gestión; Gobierno Abierto; Organismos; Pagos
Recibido: 16-11-2023 Aceptado: 08-03-2024
The main objective of the research was to evaluate management control as an open
government tool in the agencies that order commitments and payments of the public power
of Zulia state. The theoretical foundation was based on ECLAC (2021), OECD (2016),
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Constitution of Zulia (2003),
Regulation of the Organic Law of Comptrollership and National Fiscal Control System
(2010), among others. The research was located in a positivist approach, of an evaluative
and analytical type. The design was non-experimental. Transectional and Field. The
population was made up of four (4) ordering bodies of commitment and payments of the
public power of the state of Zulia; and with twelve (12) reporting units made up of
Administration directors, planning directors and auditors. A collection instrument was used,
consisting of a self-administered questionnaire with a total of sixty (60) items, closed
questions on the Likert-type scale, of frequency, with the alternatives: always, almost
always, sometimes, almost never and never. ; Content validity was used, through the
judgment of ten (10) experts, with respect to reliability, the Alpha Cronbach coefficient was
calculated, obtaining a result of 0.90. It is concluded that the management control of the
commitment and payment computers is almost always fulfilled, for its part, the types of
control are applied moderately, the control components have a high level of compliance and
the use of indicators of management is very high. On the other hand, the open government
approach, applied by the commitment and payment computers, is moderately fulfilled,
since the open government principles studied are applied moderately. In the same way, ICT
tools are almost never used as an Open Government mechanism.
Keywords: Control management; Open Government; Organisms; Payments