Infante, D.; Hidalgo, C. Competencias de los docentes en el uso pedagógico de las TIC
Revista de Artes y Humanidades UNICA 75
Competences of teachers in the Pedagogical use of ICT
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), as an
advisory body to the United Nations Organization (UN) in educational matters, has been
promoting Information and Communications Technology since the beginning ( Tic), the
importance of their participation in educational contexts, as elements of support for the
processes that are developed in educational centers, recognizing in turn, the need to develop
skills and competencies in teachers in technological matters. , so that they can assume the
challenges that its use in the educational process implies. The studies carried out by various
researchers indicated that the educational systems of Latin American countries have been
willing to incorporate ICTs in this scenario; however, it is noteworthy that there have been
three elements that have influenced achievements not are as expected, because their
conjunction is necessary. Among them we have, in the first instance, the importance of
establishing training and updating programs for teaching staff. Secondly, the provision of
equipment and connectivity of the educational centers and finally, based on these capacities
and attitudes of the teacher, promote the development among the students of a
technological culture that makes them assume that it will generate benefits in their
academic training using the different tools offered by ICT.
Keywords: Competences, pedagogical use, tic
El impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el mundo contemporáneo, ha sido un
evento sin precedentes, que trajo consigo grandes beneficios, sobre todo para modernizar,
innovar y crear procesos en los diferentes ámbitos en los que el hombre se desenvuelve.
Desde ese momento, ha habido sectores que de manera casi inmediata fueron
incorporándola, sobre todo a nivel de los procesos industriales. En el área gerencial, resultó
de gran valor para agilizar los procesos internos de carácter administrativo y así
progresivamente, fue siendo parte de todos estos escenarios.
Mientras que en sectores como el educativo, su incorporación fue menos ágil y con
pasos dubitativos, lo que significó que, en los inicios no se utilizó con eficacia la tecnología
en las actividades educativas, sobre todo considerando que los docentes son modeladores
de los procesos de aprendizaje para sus estudiantes y sirven de modelo gracias a su
formación profesional, lo que los convierte en competentes para las actividades docentes.